Home and School Newsletter, January 2025

🍎  2025 Extra Mile Awards for Teachers/Staff

Local Home and School Associations can consider nominating a school teacher/staff person for going the "extra mile" for students. The Federation is accepting nominations until Jan. 17, 2025. Find criteria and application at:  https://peihsf.ca/extra-mile-award/


🍎  Resolutions impact change

The Federation supports equal opportunity for all students and promotes this by approving pertinent resolutions at annual meetings. Resolutions are the single most important tool that Home and School can use to influence decision-makers in government and school boards. Approved resolutions are forwarded to decision-makers who can make changes for the benefit of all island students. Guidelines on how to write and present a resolution and examples of previously passed resolutions are available at www.peihsf.ca/resolutions. Discuss topics with local association parents and teachers and consider submitting a resolution. Deadline to submit resolutions is Jan. 31, 2025,


🍎  President’s Annual Reports

Home and School Presidents/Co-Chairs are asked to submit their 2024-2025 annual reports to the Federation office by Feb. 28. All reports are compiled in the Federation’s Annual Book of Reports and posted at https://peihsf.ca/agm/

🍎  School Staff Appreciation Week, February 10-14, 2025
School Staff Appreciation Week is an opportunity for parents and students to recognize the dedication and hard work of school staff: teachers, administrative support, educational assistants, and custodians. Set up a small committee to brainstorm ways the school community can thank school staff. Keep plans simple!

🍎  Annual General Meeting Notice
he Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation will hold its 72nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, April 12, 2025.  All Member Home and School Associations are invited to attend the AGM. Each Association is asked to designate five of your school’s attendees as voting delegates.  Registration details will be available in February and posted at: http://peihsf.ca/agm


🍎  PSB Consultation on Memorials and Grief Support in Schools

The Public Schools Branch is conducting a consultation to review a policy and procedure entitled "Memorials and Grief Support in Schools." Draft versions of the proposed documents have been made available for your review and participation in the Consultation Survey.

Participate in the Consultation Survey  and Memorials and Grief Support In Schools - Policy and Procedure Consultation.pdf


🍎  Home and School monthly newspaper column
Read David Schult, PEI Home and School Federation president’s monthly columns at: https://peihsf.ca/news/


Best wishes of the Holiday Season to you and your families!